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The High Speed Railway line’ s objective is to improve the different connections to the rail node of Genova that is the departure point providing links the Po Valley (Milan, Turin, etc,) and Northern Europe. The main goal is to increase the freight transport capacity to meet growing traffic demand together with upgrading the branch link from Genova to Fegino. The principal Railway line departing from Genova is provided with a link to the Voltri railway station that is directly linked to the rail branch to the port of Savona. Length of railway line designed 8.770m.
The link from Genova to Novi Ligure plain is supplied through a double barreled tunnel, with the exception of a stretch of about 1600 m in correspondence of Libarna where railroad switches are planned. The last part of the link in the direc on to Novi Ligure, in the North side end, a er reaching the plain, provides connections to existing railway lines Genova - Turin (for rail traffic to Genoa-Turin / Frejus-Lyon-Novara-Genova / Sempione) and Turin - Piacenza (in the Milan and the North East direction in general).

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