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The new headquarters of the I.R.C.C.S. is located close to New hospital San Giovanni di Dio.
The surface is distributed on three levels, the three buildings are arranged radially along the longitudinal axis of the area, perpendicular to the Via di Scandicci, and are
joined together by another building arranged transversely. 
The volumetric confi guration of the building leads to large yards. Those located on the fi rst level in the downstream portion, are accessible from the internal road through the bridge structures across the fi rst body building. In this way provision operations of general services in support of the hospital are facilitated.
The courts located in the upstream side present themselves with the characteristics of an indoor garden and on them the wards and the large living-dining space overlook.
The new I.R.C.C.S. is a health care facility with prevailing horizontal development...

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