The project area is located near the local area of Aica in the municipality of Naz Sciaves between the ch. 195+339 and the ch. 196+654 of the Verona - Brenner railway line: it is a typical Alpine valley close and engraved which presents a series of hydrological risks Environmental risks are represented by the flooding of the main river in the valley and potential torrential flood events along the valleys and gullies of secondary streams. A second point is represented by gravitational movements that include both mass transport (debris flow) along valleys and gullies, with possible inclusions in the lowest points of the valley (creation of natural barriers to river flow), and rocks fall events and other instability phenomena such as landslides on the steep valley slopes. This stretch of railway, at its beginning and end, underpass the existing A22 Brenner – Modena road. The stretch in question is characterized by embankments running parallel to the SS12 road.
We have planned the following elements : Construction of a 4m high barrier in the initial stretch for about 270 meters along the alignment; Construction of a 6m high barrier for the remaining section of 1,045m. The planned works concern also mounting noise barriers on the A22 motorway flyover at the north of Aica.