The project aims at redeveloping the whole area of the EX- Manifattura Tabacchi (Old Tobacco Factory) : specifically, the project concerns building n. 4, which will host the new Cinema Visual Center. The complex will also host a multimedia library, deposits, municipal schools and a divisible multi-purpose room for a total of 300 people. The extensive project for the area redevelopment provides the realization of a small town for cinemas, a driving center to develop cinema and audio-visual arts and techniques, as well as scientific-technological research and experimentation cinema related fields. The project considers the Cinema-Audio-Visual Center as a center of excellence in the different fields of the industry. A single wide entrance gives access to users and to the structure staff. On the ground floor we can find the activities that have the strongest connection with the public: multimedia library, cafeteria, auditorium and exhibition areas on one side and offices of the municipal schools on the other side. The building has a pillar structure which characterizes the